Meta jinfetaħ testment in-Nutar obbligat li jsejjaħ il-werrieta u/jew legatarji?
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If you are unsure about anything related to notarial matters, these short blog posts may give you some insights. However, if you still remain uncertain about certain issues do not hesitate to get in touch!
Taxxa fuq it-Trasferiment tal-Proprjeta’
Deed of Declaration Causa Mortis
What are the taxes due on donations from parents to their children for residential purposes?
What are the taxes due by someone who is a first time buyer?
Ghalfejn kuntratt ma’ jistax jigi ppublikat mil-lum ghal ghada?
Jista’ individwu jirtira minn Wegħda ta’ Bejgħ (Konvenju)?
Are you on a promise of sale agreement or in the process to do one?
Should I change my Will?
Who inherits when someone dies without a will?
X’inhu il-proċess wara li jmut individwu?
Can foreigners buy a property in Malta?
X’inhi d-differenza bejn ‘depozitu akkont tal-prezz’ u ‘kappara’ ?
Il-Komunjoni tal-Akkwisti
Buying an Airspace
Id-Dritt li tircievi d-depozitu lura
X'jigri meta xi hadd imut intestat?
What is a Power of Attorney?
The Right to receive back the Deposit
Community of Acquests